Days Between Two Dates Calculator

Looking up to your calendar at home or on your calendar app just to count number of days between two dates 📆 can take some time. This is practically valid if there's a huge time difference between two dates. Use this Days Between Two Dates Calculator instead to get accurate data from weeks, days, hours even milliseconds.

Days Between Two Dates Calculator

Start Date

End Date

✔️ 0


✔️ 0


✔️ 0


✔️ 0


✔️ 0


✔️ 0


How to Use The Days Between Two Dates Calculator

Days Between Two Dates Calculator

Well, you just need to enter the Start Date then the End Date then click Compute. All the information or time differences will be displayed on the area with check marks ✔️. It's quite easy for here's a step by step guide for your reference.

  • 1. In the Start Date, you can enter the Month/Day/Year manually or you can just click the calendar 📆 button inside the input and click away your desired date.
  • 2. Do the same thing on End Date.
  • 3. After that, you just need to click the Compute to get the days between two dates, even the smaller timeframes (total hours, minutes, etc.).

You can always clear up the dates by clicking the Clear button and start over again with other dates.

Days Between Two Dates Calculator Tutorial

Aside from the written instructions on how to use this calculator, here's a screencast tutorial on this calculator. May you find this helpful and let us know if you have any improvement suggestions.

See also: 📅 Timesheet Calculator