Date Calculator

Date Calculator

The Date Calculator is a simple tool that will help you with date computations with its three (3) functionalities - add, subtract and get the date duration between two dates.

Time Calculator

Time Calculator

The Time Calculator is used to perform four basic mathematical operations with time where you can add time, subtract time, multiply time and divide time.

Add Time Calculator

Add Time Calculator

The Add Time Calculator is a simple mathematical tool you can use to get the sum of two (2) or more time entries. The function of this calculator is to solve this type of question, what is 1 hour and 20 minutes plus 47 minutes (01:20 + 00:47)?

Subtract Time Calculator

Subtract Time Calculator

The Subtract Time Calculator is a useful tool to obtain the mathematical difference when you subtract a time from another time. So, for example you want to know what is 39 hours and 20 minutes minus 3 hours and 17 minutes?

Multiply Time Calculator

Multiply Time Calculator

The Multiply Time Calculator is used to get the product of time multiplied by a whole number. In other words, the purpose of this calculator is to answer questions like this, what is 7 hours and 27 minutes multiplied by 7?

Divide Time Calculator

Divide Time Calculator

The Divide Time Calculator is used to get the quotient when a time is divided by a whole number. To put that on a practical example, the purpose of this calculator is to answer questions like this, what is 8 hours and 30 minutes divided by 3?

Time From Now Calculator

Time From Now Calculator

The main purpose of the Time From Now Calculator is to get the exact time, date and number of days from the given number of hours, minutes and/or seconds. This simply means that if you want to know what is 27 hours, 30 minutes and 40 seconds (27:30:40) from now?

Time Ago Calculator

Time Ago Calculator

The Time Ago Calculator is a helpful tool specially in tracking the exact time from the past hours, minutes and even seconds. For example, you want to know what is 13 hours and 17 minutes ago? Place these values on the calculator and press Enter.

Seconds From Now Calculator

Seconds From Now Calculator

The Seconds From Now Calculator is used to pinpoint the exact time of the day from the specified number of seconds. You might ask, what is 240 seconds from now? This calculator is built to answer that question.

Seconds Ago Calculator

Seconds Ago Calculator

The Seconds Ago Calculator is a simple online tool the calculates the exact time seconds ago. What you need to do is just to enter the number of seconds on the input field and results will be generated for you.

Minutes From Now Calculator

Minutes From Now Calculator

The Minutes From Now Calculator is used to get the exact future time and date when the current time is added with number of minutes. If you want to know what is 20 minutes from now?

Minutes Ago Calculator

Minutes Ago Calculator

The Minutes Ago Calculator is a simple tool that determines the exact time and date from the past based on the number of minutes. For instance, you want to know what is 240 minutes ago? You just need to input that number on the calculator.

Days From Now Calculator

Days From Now Calculator

The Days From Now Calculator is a simple online tool that is designed to get the exact date from the entered future number of days. Use this calculator to efficiently count-off days starting today instead of doing it on your own on a calendar.

Days Ago Calculator

Days Ago Calculator

The Days Ago Calculator is used to pinpoint the date from the past based on the number of days. The calculator's singular function is to solve this kind of question, what is 13 days ago?

Weeks From Now Calculator

Weeks From Now Calculator

The Weeks From Now Calculator is used to determine the correct period of time against the added weeks from now. All you need is just to enter the number of weeks on the calculator and results will be shown relatively fast.

Weeks Ago Calculator

Weeks Ago Calculator

The Weeks Ago Calculator is used to get date from the number of weeks ago. In case you need the date from the past but you only remembered that it was about 5 weeks ago, you can use this calculator by just entering the number of weeks which is 5.

Months From Now Calculator

Months From Now Calculator

This Months From Now Calculator is used to figure out of what will be the exact date in a number of months from now. It gives you the answer to questions similar to this one, what is 23 months from now?

Months Ago Calculator

Months Ago Calculator

The Months Ago Calculator is a simple tool you can use to get the date from the past based on the number of months. Well you can do it on your calendar yourself but it might take a while. For instance, you want to know what is 5 months ago?

Years From Now Calculator

Years From Now Calculator

The Years From Now Calculator is used to get the exact date from the number of years from now. Say, for example you need to know when is the exact date 3 years from now.

Years Ago Calculator

Years Ago Calculator

The Years Ago Calculator is a simple calculator you can use to get the exact date years ago from today. If you are looking for the answer to questions like this, what is the date 4 years ago today?

Days Calculator

Days Calculator

The Days Calculator is primarily used to get the days between two dates but you can also add and subtract days from a date. For example, you want to know how many days are there in between January 1, 2022 and February 1, 2024?

Weeks Calculator

Weeks Calculator

The Weeks Calculator is used to get the number of weeks between two dates, add and subtract weeks from a starting date. For example, you want to know how many weeks are there in between December 1, 2022 and December 25, 2024?

Months Calculator

Months Calculator

The Months Calculator has three (3) functionalities, it is used to get the number of months between two dates, add months and subtract months from a reference date. For example, you can add 9 months or subtract 3 months from the starting date.

Quarters Calculator

Quarters Calculator

The Quarters Calculator has four (4) functionalities, it is used to get the number of quarters between two dates, add quarters, subtract quarters and determine the fiscal quarter of a date. For example, you can add 9 quarters or subtract 3 quarters from the starting date.

Years Calculator

Years Calculator

The Years Calculator has three (3) operations, it can get the number of years between two dates, add years and subtract years from a starting date. For example, you can add 11 years or subtract 5 years from the starting date.

Business Days Calculator

Business Days Calculator

The Working or Business Days Calculator mainly helps you know the business days quickly instead of looking at a calendar and start counting days. The calculator has three functions it can perform - add/subtract business days from starting date and get the business days between two dates.

Average Time Calculator

Average Time Calculator

The Average Time Calculator is used to get the average of multiple time entries. For instance, you have list of time entries like 4 hours: 2 minutes: 30 seconds, 3 hours: 47 minutes and 2 hours: 25 minutes, use this calculator if you want to get the average time.

24-Hour Format Converter

24-Hour Format Converter

The 24-Hour Format Converter is used to effortlessly convert a 12-hour time format that is commonly by the world, to a 24-hour format. In a 12-hour clock, every single day, the time starts at midnight at 12:00 AM and ends at 12:00 AM. On the other hand, using a 24-hour clock, a day starts at 00:00 and ends at 24:00.

Time Duration Calculator

Time Duration Calculator

The Time Duration Calculator is a tool you can use to compute the total time passed since a start time up to an end time. This calculator uses a 12-hour format so you just have to enter exactly the start and end times on their respective fields.

Date Duration Calculator

Date Duration Calculator

The Date Duration Calculator is a simple online tool you can use to get the entire duration from a start date up until an end date whether you need the entire total years, months, weeks, days or even the entire duration on this sequence.

Date Formatter

Date Formatter

The Date Formatter is a simple online tool that helps you display a date based on a format. Whether you want to convert a numeric date (02/14/2024) to textual date (14 February 2024), or the other way around, this calculator will validate and format your date based on a given pattern of characters.